
What size Bra do you wear?: 36-38 B

What style & size AMBI did you recieve?: AMBI Hi Lo Bra, 38B

Thoughts!: This bra is amazingly comfortable, but I think I may have ordered the wrong size. I haven't gotten fitted for a bra since I was 13 (I'm 27 now, it's probably time). It was really loose under my armpits, and seemed fairly low cut or that there didn't seem to be enough material to cover my girls. Although, when I put it on, it was very comfortable, there just wasn't much there, it seemed. I've worn it for days on end at work (as a carpenter and HVAC technician), and have not thought about it once other than how comfortable it is. My boobs often times aren't big enough to feel like they need a whole lot of support (I don't own any underwire bras anymore) and this bra made it feel like I wasn't even wearing one, which is great. However, I just don't think that it looked very appealing on me. I think that my shoulders are fairly wide for a woman and I think that I have a wider rib cage, and fairly small boobs, so I think it's a tricky equation for me. When I buy sports bras or other elastic banded bras, I often just buy a large, as that tends to fit me best. Maybe I just messed up and totally ordered the wrong size, or maybe the AMBI bra just wasn't the write style for my body. I love the idea of these bras though! I hope this feedback is helpful and maybe the only issue is that I ordered the wrong size, but maybe there are more oddly shaped ladies out there and this could help them.

Do you like the aesthetic?: Yes! Very pretty and different. I am curious to see how the cotton goes in the height of summer time.