"I'm blown away by the function of this sweet, comfy number. I'm a mountain girl who loves, but will not sacrifice practicality, for a whimsical aesthetic -- and ADK Tensengral nails it. As an EMT and business owner, I need 12+ hour support. This has become my go-to for overnight shifts because it's so damn soft and comfy, but is uncompromising when I need to tear out of bed for a call. Well done. "

Thoughts!: Cup size, tightness, and support are amazing. I'm so surprised that this soft, comfortable material can lend so much support. I end up wearing both bras "backwards," with the smaller triangles in the back. My only constructive feedback would be that I think they would be more flattering on me (and maybe I would wear them "forward" more) if the front facing triangles were spaced further apart. I think I have more broad build and the 2 cups feel too close together. As in, more space in the cleavage area? Hope this makes sense. So well done!